From Utah Parks to High Adventure, We'll Show You Where to Go For the Vacation of a Lifetime.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Post!!! Top of the Alpine Loop

Okay - so I waited 4 months to post (after setting this blog-thing up); but we're off and running now!  I've decided that people need to know how amazing the Alpine Loop is right NOW!  The colors are stunning and the climb, whether you are on a bicycle, motorcycle or in a convertible- is really something to experience. There is very little time left before the colors will be gone, replaced with snow and the loop will be closed till next spring. Gotta make this trip happen quick!

This particular ride was a training session for the mega hill climbs (for me anyway) that are coming up in two weeks in the 100 mile (also known as the century) Tour de St. George - Autumn Edition; and I must say I managed to exceed my own expectations in climbing without having to walk the bike - at all! (Don't tell anyone that my average speed was somewhere between a turtle and a snail).  You might have noticed that we're wearing our Salt to Saint Jerseys from the ride we did last month - 425 miles as an 8 man relay team from the Capitol in Salt Lake City to St. George, but that's a story still to come . . .

1 comment:

  1. Okay - so now I really need to add a new comment to this. Just found out that I've been riding around on less gears than my "superiors" thought. Phil took my bike in because he noticed how much harder/slower I was going the other day on this same climb (2nd time). The shop techs were in shock that I had done the climb twice on those gears!!! I feel so vindicated!! I also got better gears put on for this Saturday's century in St. George!
